Large Olokun Sopera Tinaja Vessel Olocun ifa orisha olokum orisa lucumi santeria Yemaya

Large Olokun Sopera Tinaja Vessel Olocun ifa orisha olokum orisa lucumi santeria Yemaya

Hand made highly decorated Agogo for Olokun

The traditional instrument for Olokun, as documented by Fernando Ortiz

Olokun Vessel 19 inches tall, and 9 inches wide. Perfect condition. Price includes extra shipping charge.

Also available:

Seashell set

Olokun mazo with real red coral

Olokun bell

Olokun (Yoruba: Olókun) is an orisha spirit in Yoruba religion. Olokun is believed to be the parent of Aje, the orisha of great wealth and of the bottom of the ocean. Olokun is revered as the ruler of all bodies of water and for the authority over other water deities. Olokun is highly praised for their ability to give great wealth, health, and prosperity to their followers. Communities in both West Africa and the African diaspora view Olokun variously as female, male, or androgynous. Keywords: Olocun Olocum Santeria Lucumi Lukumi orishas herramientas orisa olosa ananagu benin arara dahomey agwe aje iyawo iyaami oduduwa oddua boromu borosia yewa iyewa tools shells botanica dilogun.

Olokun is an orisha in the Yoruba religion of Nigeria and the Americas. In Yoruba mythology, Olokun is the god of the sea and is associated with the ocean, water, and fertility. S/He is often depicted as a powerful and majestic figure, with a strong connection to the natural world and a deep understanding of its mysteries.

Olokun is also associated with the color blue and is often depicted holding a staff or scepter. S/He is considered to be a powerful healer and is often invoked during times of illness or injury. In traditional Yoruba religion, Olokun is revered as a powerful and important deity, and his influence is felt in many aspects of Yoruba culture and society.

Olokun is also considered to be a protector of travelers, and is often invoked to ensure safe and successful journeys. In the Yoruba pantheon, Olokun is seen as one of the most important orishas, and his name is invoked in many traditional songs and prayers. Olokun is an important figure in the Afro-Caribbean traditions of Santeria, Vodou, and Candomble and is revered by practitioners of these religions throughout the Americas.


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