Obatala Sopera tureen pot urn Orisha Funfun Agidai Yembo Aje shaluga Oduduwa olgan Ifa Yoruba iyawo

Obatala Sopera tureen pot urn Orisha Funfun Agidai Yembo Aje shaluga Oduduwa olgan Ifa Yoruba iyawo

Obatala Sopera tureen pot urn Orisha Funfun and adimu orisha such as Agidai Yembo Aje shaluga Oduduwa olgan Ifa Yoruba iyawo organ olgan Eru Aye Obanla Elefuro

Brand new 10-inch tall sopera/urn in white for Obatala and adieu Orishas like Boromu Borosia, Agidai, Yembo, Oshanla, Aje Shaluga. Beautiful embossed leaf design.

Ogan tools Oggan herramientas orisha silver set Obatala Ogan Ogbon Ogboni funfun shield dilogun Oduduwa olgan Ifa Yoruba iyawo organ olganOrishas Boromu + Borosia tool set including Bromu staff


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