Original FLORIDA WATER by Murray & Lanman Spiritual cleansing Espiritismo cologne

Original FLORIDA WATER by Murray & Lanman Spiritual cleansing Espiritismo cologne

Original Florida Water MURRAY & LANMAN'S Spiritual cleansing Espiritismo cologne colonia Agua Florida Wicca Pagan Vodou Hoodoo bath spell

Here are suggestions for magickal use:

Spritz it to purify a space before ritual.
Add it to bath water for spiritual cleansing before magical working or ritual.
Wipe your altar and/or tools with a cloth after spritzing it with Florida Water.
Wash your floors (and walls) with it to remove negativity from the home.
Pour some in a bowl as an offering to ancestors and/or house spirits.
Use it as a substitute for holy water.
Use it to bless a new home.
Anoint your head with Florida Water for added protection.
Wash your hands with it after dealing with negative people.
Use it in a spell to attract something you desire into your life.
Anoint your head, neck, heart, and feet when feeling unbalanced.

*Take care to keep out of reach of children or pets.*

There are dozens of ways to incorporate Florida Water into your spiritual life and to cleanse and uplift your space and spiritual self.

Bring peace into the workplace by using Florida Water Spray in your office or communal areas. Put a few drops on the palms of your hands and sweep over your body and clothes to remove negative funk, evil eye, jealousy, etc and to attract the blessings of your guides.

Add some drops to ink and paper when writing out spells. Sprinkle on your doorstep and in the corners of your home. Burn incense for a great deep home cleansing. Do so every new moon for new beginnings.

The stimulating citrus and floral scented cologne is commonly used for ritual offerings and purification. Some replace Holy water with Florida Water.

Wiping down all of the items on your altar with Florida Water will cleanse them of any negative energy and clear them to receive messages from the spirits and ancestors. NOTE: When wiping down candles, wait until the candle is completely dry before lighting.

Also used in spells, Florida Water is used to remove heavy vibrations and to encourage the expression of emotions.

It has calming affect on people and some believe it can help depression. Use your body to keep sadness away.

When seeking guidance from ancestors, placing a glass of fresh water with some Florida Water on your altar will clear the air of any static and interference to allow for a clear reading.

For help attracting love or unblocking obstacles relating to a current relationship, add a few drops to a bowl set beside your bed and light a red Attraction Candle while focusing your intention on your desired goal.

*Be aware, Florida Water is flammable and should never be placed directly on a lit candle or too close to a flame.

When blessing and cleansing a new home, mix Florida Water with Basil and Rue herbs and anoint your floors, windows and doorways for protection, prosperity and luck.

Washing with Florida Water will cleanse you before a ritual. Add a few drops to a spiritual bath to rid yourself of negative energy and encourage protection.

After a bath, dab some Florida water cologne on your head, neck, heart, and feet for protection and a feeling of balance.

Wash your hands with Florida Water Soap after engaging with negative people or being in a negative environment.


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