The Transformative And Uplifting Power Of Incense

The Transformative And Uplifting Power Of Incense

Incense is the intimate alchemy of nature and heat to produce uplifting and transformative fragrances. The word incense comes from the Latin incendere, which means “to burn”. For thousands of years and in many cultures across the world, resins, woods, and other precious ingredients from nature have been burned to produce fragrant smoke. Indeed, perfume refers to the burning of incense, as it was per fumum or through smoke that scent was used. Specific types of incense such as frankincense and myrrh, gifts to the Baby Jesus, are associated with religions. Mountain sage and other prairie plants are used by Native Americans in sacred smudging rituals, and the Maya and Aztec civilizations used the citrusy smoke of copal tree resin in their ceremonies. Today, people from all walks of life and across all generations are discovering and enjoying incense in their homes and places of business and there is an incredible selection of gorgeous, handcrafted incenses from around the world to discover.


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